Happy Anniversary !!!

Anniversary wishes to parents .... by Seema

Looking back on the path you came by,
Looking ahead for the path we shall take.
Taking us in, with our vice and virtue,
Talking us out , with warning over vice.
Living by example, barring any preach,
in Life, you said , Actions echo louder than speech.
Nourishing us with persistence and perseverance,
Nurturing (our) intellect, with the will to proceed.
You had been our pal and parent
You held us in moments dull and elate
Today let us relive and rejoice this day
The day you both came together in destiny
Destiny bestowed us with your presence
Destined us to be a part of your self
Your anniversary is not 'just ' a day to remember,
How do I remember a day that I never left my mind ?

© Deepa
Jan 29, 2008

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